How CBD Can Help to Restore a Good Night Sleep for Seniors?

CBD for Sleep

How CBD Can Help to Restore a Good Night Sleep for Seniors?

CBD has gained immense popularity for containing beneficial properties that can be used to improve various health conditions like chronic pain, stress, and anxiety, acne, and sleeping disorders among others. Seniors are believed to be the main beneficiaries when it comes to getting the best out of CBD-based wellness products. 

Age-related health disorders like osteoarthritis, depression, diabetes, insomnia, dementia, high blood pressure, can ruin one’s life in many ways. CBD-based wellness products have shown tremendous effects in improving health conditions in seniors. Sleeping disorder is one of the most common health issues found in the older population. More than 50% of the older population in the United States complain about the difficulties in restoring quality sleep.

Since CBD is a naturally available substance and it causes almost no side-effects, it can be an alternative to the traditional sleeping pills. If you are searching for a natural remedy to restore quality sleep, you must read about the post and learn how CBD can help to improve your health condition.

How Does CBD Address Conditions Like Insomnia?

Before we talk about how CBD-based wellness products like CBD oil can help a senior to get rid of sleeping disorders, we must have a brief introduction to CBD. In short, CBD or cannabinoid is a compound extracted from cannabis sativa plants. More than 100 types of cannabinoids are found in cannabis plants and one of the most interesting parts is that each type of cannabinoids causes different effects.

Similar to CBD, THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) is also an important part of cannabis plants but unlike CBD, THC causes a high feeling. Also, you cannot consume a CBD product if it contains more than 0.3% THC. Some beneficial properties in CBD interact with the cannabinoid system inside our bodies. Our brain contains receptors like CBD1 and CBD2 that work with cannabinoids. When we consume CBD-based products, properties in CBD interact with the receptors that regulate anxiety and aggression and cause immune responses. Let us focus on how CBD can help a senior to improve the quality of sleep.

Cause of Insomnia

To find out whether CBD can be an effective solution to address sleeping disorders, you must look at the common cause of Insomnia or any other form of sleeping disorder. A senior can develop poor sleeping habit due to various reasons like: 

  • Unfavorable environment
  • Medications
  • Chronic pain
  • Menopause
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Post-traumatic stress disorders
  • Lack of physical activities
  • Inadequate social activities and engagement, etc

Medication taken to address many age-related health issues can also cause sleep disorders. Hence, the inclusion of another over-the-counter medicine to address sleep disorder to your daily medication may not be a good idea. CBD-based wellness products can help a senior to improve conditions like chronic pain, stress, and anxiety and restore a relaxed mind, which is very important to enjoy a sound sleep.

Role of CBD in Ensuring Quality Sleep

Several factors can cause insomnia or any form of sleeping disorder. CBD can address some key factors that can cause sleeping disorders. If you are suffering from sleep-related issues due to some external factors or medications, CBD can become a natural remedy for you.

In 2019, a team of researchers revealed that CBD has the power to reduce the level of stress and anxiety, and as a consequence, one can improve the quality of sleep through this.

Clinical Research

In 2019, a group of researchers conducted a study on 72 seniors, where most of them were suffering from anxiety and stress, while the rest complained about sleeping disorders. They gave 25 ml of CBD oil to each person for 30 days. Nearly 80% of the seniors who complained about stress and anxiety experienced significant improvement, while nearly 65% of seniors who had sleeping issues, start enjoying quality sleep.

Chronic pain like arthritis can keep a person awake at night, while the side effects of painkillers can prevent you from enjoying sound sleep. CBD can play a significant role in soothing pain and restoring a relaxed mind which one of the key aspects of sound sleep. Patients with Parkinson’s disease sometimes develop RBD (REM sleep behavior disorder), where the patient acts out in their dreams.

Clinical studies revealed that properties in CBD can alleviate such behavior and helps the patient to enjoy uninterrupted sleep.

Side Effects and Legality of CBD

If you take over-the-counter medicines to improve the quality of your sleep, your medicines will start showing side-effects after some time and the severity of the side-effects can force you to reject the medicine. Although CBD-based products often cause mild side effects they are comparatively safer than traditional drugs. Changes in weight and appetite, developing fatigue are some of the side-effects one can experience. Besides, CBD can interact with other medicines. Hence talk to a physician before you include CBD in your daily medicine list.

The 2018 Farm Bill allows farmers across the United States to grow hemp with less than 0.3% THC level. CBD products with less than 3.0% THC are legal in the USA. To learn more, you can also check your state’s policy on CBD products.

Remember, sleeping disorders can derive from several internal and external issues and CBD can address many of them. Pain, stress, and anxiety are believed to be the three main distractions that can disturb your sleeping habit and CBD has the power to address all these factors and restore a relaxed mind and ensure quality sleep.

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