Can CBD Become an Alternative to Prescribed Pharmaceutical Drugs?

CBD for Seniors

Can CBD Become an Alternative to Prescribed Pharmaceutical Drugs?

Do you think properties available in CBD are only suitable or beneficial to youngsters or young adults? Facts are quite different than what you think about this amazing naturally available substance. Most of the CBD-based wellness products users in the USA are over 45 years of age and nearly 20% of them have crossed the 60 marks. This clearly shows seniors across gained a lot of benefits from the use of CBD-based products. In some cases, seniors prefer CBD-based wellness products over the prescribed or over-the-counter medicine to get relief from specific health conditions. This brings a question- Can CBD be a better alternative to prescribed medicine? If yes, How? Let us find here.

CBD and Pharmaceutical Medicines for Seniors 

CBD or cannabinoids is a substance of cannabis Sativa plant. Unlike other substances available in marijuana and hemp, CBD features great medicinal value. Several studies have found that CBD can be an effective remedy for many age-related issues like arthritis, menopause, insomnia, anxiety, neurodegenerative disorders, gastrointestinal issues and more. The best thing about CBD is that it does not cause any harsh side effects even after long use. However, older adults taking prescription drugs are common and most of them deal with some side effects in the long run.

According to some experts, CBD and traditional pharmaceutical drugs can be taken simultaneously, as properties in CBD in most cases do not interact with the compounds of other drugs. This means a senior can still enjoy the benefits of CBD. However, in some cases, users have experienced fewer CBD effects when taken with prescribed drugs simultaneously. 

Side Effects – Facts Check

More than 69% of users who have taken CBD-based wellness products have rated them more effective in improving the quality of their lives than traditional prescribed pharmaceuticals. Studies found that more than 42% of seniors have stopped taking prescribed drugs after experiencing improvement with CBD products.

The biggest problem about prescribed drugs is that they cause side effects. In some specific cases, CBD has shown promising results for seniors. For example, if you are suffering from chronic pain due to some age-related health issues like arthritis, over-the-counter pharmaceutical drugs might not be a long term solution for you.

Prescribed pain-killers may help you to get relief from pain for some time, but you cannot take them for a long. CBD, on the other hand, CBD may be a trustable companion for you. Physicians, in general, prescribe various types of medicines for seniors to address specific health conditions. Studies have found that more than 65% of seniors experience harsh side effects after taking prescribed medication for a long period. Have a look at some common side effects caused by prescribed pharmaceutical drugs:

  • Weakness
  • Muscle pain
  • Increasing potassium levels
  • Low sodium levels
  • Bone loss
  • Nerve damage
  • Heart problem
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Falls and delirium
  • Joint pain and more

Remember, prescribed drugs may give you short term relief but you will feel the side effects after taking them continuously. This is probably the main reason why many seniors consider CBD-based wellness products as a great alternative to prescribed medicine. 

Is CBD Free of Side Effects?

Although CBD is not completely side-effect free, harsh side effects caused by CBD are very rare. There can be mild side effects depending on the intensity and frequency of dosage. Clinical trials have shown that if a person consumes the right amount of CBD-based products like CBD oil regularly, he or she can hardly experience any side effects. Amuse or misuse of CBD can invite unexpected situations. It is better to consult a physician for the best outcome.

According to a report, no sign of serious side effects or toxicity has been recorded after the chronic administration of CBD to healthy volunteers. The report informed that no side effects have been observed even after the consumption of 700mg CBD per day. Hence, you can say that CBD has the potential to become an effective alternative to many prescribed drugs made to address several age-related issues.

Less Expensive 

If you are a senior you know how much you have to pay per month for medicines. You may have to pay for more than a dozen drugs every month. Although the cost of pure CBD oil tincture is a little bit higher than a strip of average medicine, but a bottle of pure CBD oil may be an alternative to multiple medicines. You can reduce your monthly expense on medicine as well as the possibility of having side effects by opting for CBD-based wellness products.

Thus, it is possible that CBD might improve the quality of your life by helping you in the process of recovery. Whether it is chronic pain, insomnia, or poor immunity, you can make it better with the help of CBD. Millions of seniors across the United States have shown faith in CBD-based products and chosen them as the best alternative to many prescribed pharmaceutical drugs.

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