10 Important Tips for Seniors to Manage Pain Using CBD

CBD for Pain for Seniors

10 Important Tips for Seniors to Manage Pain Using CBD

As a senior, you may consider pain as a part of your life, while the fact is you can manage your pain using a natural remedy. As our age progresses, our body’s ability to fight off diseases decreases and we cannot resist the process.

CBD is a component extracted from the cannabis plant and it may help to manage pain effectively. Chronic pain can ruin your life in many ways and managing pain with traditional medicine can be a risky job. According to research, CBD or cannabinoid comes with pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties that may improve your condition in many ways. If you are suffering from chronic pain, you should look at 10 simple tips to manage pain with CBD-based drugs.

1 One Solution for Different Types of Pain 

Although pain is part of a senior’s life there must be a reason for it. It can be joint pain, muscle pain, injury-related pain, cancer pain or any other type of pain. Research says properties in CBD interact with our central nervous system including receptors like CB1 and CB2 and control our feelings, moods, and pain.

 2  Prefer THC-free CBD

Although CBD is a part of the cannabis plant it is free of THC, the intoxicating property found in the cannabis plant. Isolate CBD is the purest form of CBD and you can prefer it as a pain reliever. THC-free CBD causes less side-effect compared to THC-based cannabis. As an older adult, you must prefer a natural and side-effect-free remedy that does not interfere with other medications.

 3  Use the Right Form of CBD-based Product

CBD-based products are available in several forms like oil, cream, edibles, and capsules. If you are suffering from muscle spasms, joint or other types of pain in a localized area, you can apply CBD oil or transdermal patch on your skin. According to the researchers, transdermal use of CBD-based products can be better than oral pills or oil, as the transdermal method comes with long-lasting therapeutic solutions.

 4  Beware of Overdose 

CBD-based products are in the limelight not only for their intoxicating properties but for the beneficial ones. As a senior, you must be aware of the side-effects you have to bear for overdose. Overdose of CBD can be dangerous for your health and it may cause serious problems.

CBD’s Interaction with Other Medicines

CBD-based products may not cause any serious side effects if taken property. They, however, may interact with other medications. As a senior, it is very common for you to follow other medication and you must consult a physician before including CBD-based products in routine.

Don’t Take it with Steroids and Antibiotic

Researchers have found that traditional drugs that interfere in the function or CYP450 system (cytochrome P450 enzymes) may interact with CBD-based drugs and cause severe side-effects. However, not all traditional drugs interact with CBD-based drugs and you must consult a physician for this.

 7  Give it Time

The efficacy of CBD often depends on your eating habits, lifestyle, medication, and preferences. CYP enzymes in our body help CBD to get metabolized in a certain way and different types of ingestion methods affect the process in many ways. Thus, you have to wait to get the positive effects of CBD if you are under medication or suffering from specific health issues.

 8  Prefer only Certified Products 

The demand and popularity of CBD-based products have encouraged many ill-reputed companies to produce and sell poor-quality drugs. Learn about the brand and its recognition before you purchase their products. Certified products are tested and they come with a better percentage of CBD.

 9  Check Legality

This is one of the most important factors to take care of when purchasing CBD-based drugs. Check the state’s laws and regulations on the sale and consumption of CBD-based products. Illegal sale or consumption can push you into legal trouble.

 10 Talk to your Physician

As pain is a part of life for seniors, doctors often prescribe many medicines to target the root cause and symptoms as well. Your physician is aware of your condition and knows how CBD-based drugs can bring changes in the condition. Self-medication can be harmful and you must talk to your physician about whether you should take CBD-based drugs or not.

Unbearable pain can turn out to be a nightmare for anyone. Pain is part of old-age life and there is no permanent solution to get rid of it. Regular consumption of pain reliever and steroids can be dangerous and here CBD-based drugs may show their positive effects. They are natural and they do not cause serious side-effects if taken properly.

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